
Kidney Failure

Kidney failure, additionally known as end-stage renal disease (ESRD), is the final stage of chronic kidney ailment. When your kidneys fail, it means they have stopped working well enough in order to survive without dialysis or a kidney transplant. Kidney failure may be of two types : acute kidney failure and chronic kidney failure. During diagnosis, the health practitioner may question you when you have excessive blood pressure or heart conditions or diabetes or even there has been a case of kidney disease in your family history.

Types of Kidney Failure

Kidney failure can be either acute or chronic.

Acute kidney Failure

Acute kidney failure also known as acute renal failure or acute kidney damage is a medical emergency that calls for hospitalization. One can experience lack of acute kidney function within days or maybe hours. Acute kidney failure can also additionally occur all at once and without producing any previous signs or symptoms.

Chronic kidney Failure

Chronic kidney failure occurs plenty slower rather than acute renal failure. It may also take months or maybe years earlier than you exhibit any symptoms. Chronic kidney failure is often the end result of blood pressure and diabetes.

Diagnosis and Treatment

AV Fistula :

AV fistula is a connection made by a vascular surgeon among an artery and a vein. Arteries carry blood from the heart to the body, and the veins deliver it back to the heart. Connecting the vein to the artery permits the vein to increase in size which in turn allows blood to be drawn from the vein at high speeds needed for dialysis. Arteriovenous fistulas generally occur in the legs, however can develop anywhere in the body. Arteriovenous fistulas are often surgically created for use in dialysis in people with severe kidney disease. A large untreated arteriovenous fistula can cause critical complications. Your doctor monitors your arteriovenous fistula when you have one for dialysis. There is two types of AV Fistula :

-          Radiocephalic

-          Brachio-cephalic

CAPD Cafheth Insection :

CAPD stands for Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. This procedure include: exchange happens manually with gravity, the dialysis; happens continuously: 24 hours a day and 7 days a week with dwell time lasts 3 to 5 hours; there are about 3-4 exchanges every day.

AV Fistula Grafts :

This procedure is usually carried out in patients that undergo hemodialysis (process for patients with kidney failure that need their blood to cleaned externally) in order to increase reliable access to the bloodstream. The arteriovenous graft, that is a small tube located under the skin, connects to an artery on one end, and a vein on the other. This graft then may be used as an access point in the hemodialysis process.