
Uro oncology

Uro Oncology is the field of Urology that deals with cancers of the urinary system and male reproductive system. This means the treatment of cancer of the kidney, adrenal gland, ureter, bladder, prostate, urethra, penis, and testis. The treatment of these cancers is very specific and specialized. It involves surgical proedures, radiotherapy and Chemotherapy. Our center offers comprehensive management of these cancers. Treatment of uro oncology conditions has improved dramatically in the last decade. Many cancers are diagnosed in the early stage and surgical removal of the organ or part of the organ has given the patient a chance of cure. Surgical techniques have improved with the advancement in laparoscopy surgery (keyhole surgery) and endoscopy surgery (scope surgery without a surgical cut). Hence, surgical outcomes are much better; causes less pain and quicker recovery for the patient. Cancers with previously poor outcomes have been successfully treated with a combination of planned surgery followed by chemotherapy or radiation.

There are different types of Cancer Treatments I specialise in:

Cancer of Kidney

Kidney or renal cancer is a cancer that affects the kidneys. Kidney cancer may show symptoms like pain in the side or back, weight loss, fatigue, blood in urine, or fever. It occurs due to mutations in the DNA. People with high blood pressure, those who smoke, have kidney problems, and are overweight are at higher risk of getting kidney cancer. Treatment for kidney cancer is surgery where a part of the kidney or the entire kidney is removed. Ablative treatments and radiation therapy are also used in some cases.

Cancer of Prostate

Prostate is a small walnut-sized gland, that is a part of the male reproductive system. The main function of the prostate is to produce the seminal fluid, which forms a major part of the ejaculate. This contains substances which helps in liquefying the ejaculate hence helping the sperms to reach the female reproductive tract. Like other parts of the body, cancer can also develop in the prostate gland. Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men. Some of the symptoms of prostate cancer are problem while urinating, blood in semen, discomfort in the pelvic region, and pain in the bone. Prostate cancer can be detected through screening, by carrying out a digital rectal examination and via blood tests. In very early cases, the uro-oncologist may choose not to treat prostate cancer but watch its progress. Removal of the prostate surgically, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy are other treatment options. We offers the best prostate cancer treatment in India with its ablative and minimally invasive treatment approach.

Cancer of Bladder

Bladder cancer is a common form of cancer that generally affects more men than women. Back pain, frequent urination, pain in pelvic region, blood in urine, and pain while urinating are common symptoms a person may experience. When detected at an early stage, 7 out of 10 cases are treatable. Cell mutations cause this cancer and those who smoke and are exposed to chemicals are at higher risk. Bladder cancer can be treated by surgery to remove cancerous cells. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and immunotherapy are other options to treat bladder cancer. Bladder reconstruction may be needed after treatment.

Cancer of Testis

The testes in men produces the sperms and the male hormones. Cancer in the testes is a common cancer in males and can usually be treated easily. A lump in the testicle, dull ache in the groin, back pain, fluid accumulation in the scrotum, and pain in the testicle are symptoms of this cancer. Most cancers occur due to mutations in the germ cells. Surgery is an option to treat cancer where the entire testicle is removed along with lymph nodes. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are other treatments.

Cancer of Penis

Uro-oncology is also concerned with cancer of the penis, the male sex organ. It is a rare form of cancer but can affect men causing rashes or growth on the penis. A lump or bleeding can be signs of penile cancer. Older men, those who have HPV, and have phimosis are at higher risk of getting penile cancer. In early stages, penile cancer can be treated through the use of creams, laser, circumcision, laser, or cryotherapy. In later stages, chemotherapy may be used and in some cases, the penis may have to be removed.